Summer Art Camp for Kids
Our annual Summer Art Camps, one of ARTogether’s longest-running programs, provides a welcoming space for children to explore their creativity and express their imaginative ideas through art. Offered in two one-week sessions, these camps encourage artistic exploration and self-discovery, bringing together kids from diverse backgrounds to foster understanding and unity.
At the ARTogether Summer Art Camps, activities range from guided creative projects to more freeform, expressive art. Children can engage in fun activities like clay sculpture, painting, collaging, exploring the styles of famous artists, and much more.
Participating in community-based programs, such as ARTogether’s Summer Art Camps help children strengthen their connection to their new community, reduce feelings of isolation, and enhance their overall well-being.
This program is free for all participants and serves children aged 6-11 from refugee and immigrant communities. Annual registration typically opens in April. For more information about the next camp, please email us at