ARTogether's Mini-Grants for Artists

ARTogether’s Mini-Grants for Bay Area refugee and immigrant artists awards $500 to artists for work on a current or ongoing art project. Applications are received on an ongoing basis.
Grant funds may be used for artist supplies, equipment, costumes, to pay for editing or other professional work.
Preference will be given to refugee artists and to projects which are beyond the development stage.
Mini-Grants are offered monthly and applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Please submit your application before the end of the month to be considered for the next month’s award.
If you have applied once and do not receive the grant that month, you do not need to apply again next month, unless there are significant changes to your proposal. We will consider all applications from all previous months each time we make a selection.
Due to capacity, we are unable to provide specific feedback for applications. Please do not query about your application until at least 2 months have passed.
Each artist may only receive the grant once.
Artists must provide a follow-up to tell us how the money was spent and where the project has reached, 3 months after receiving the grant.
Artists should be willing to share a story about their life and work, which ARTogether will use for social media, newsletters, etc. The artist can choose to share their name and identity, so we can promote their work, or to remain anonymous.
Questions? Contact Michelle Lin, Artist Growth Program Director for more information.