March 7th – 9th The Pigeon Keeper by Opera Parallèle and Visual Arts Exhibition by ARTogether
The Pigeon Keeper, a world-premiere opera about the refugee experience and themes of belonging. This event will also feature a visual arts exhibition and art market featuring

April 3rd – Volunteer Information Night
Learn more about ARTogether, Support Immigrants and Refugees in the Bay Area and find out about how you can be involved! Our next Volunteer Information

April 9th – Gather In: Art and Craft Community Night
Mark your calendar for every second Wednesday of the month! We will be hosting a casual arts and crafts night from 4 -7 pm. Drop-in

March 12th – Art and Craft Community Night
Mark your calendar for every second Wednesday of the month! We will be hosting a casual arts and crafts night from 4 -7 pm. Drop-in