Join Kaimera Productions for an intergenerational community gathering and story sharing workshop centering experiences of displacement at the ARTogether Center on Thursday, February 6th, 2025. In order to attend the workshop participants must fill out the registration form.
At the center of the project are personal story sharing workshops, through which the Kaimera team connects with communities who have lived experience of displacement* and creates a space for sharing their stories. The aim of these sessions is to provide a safe and pressure-free environment for people to share their experiences with one another. Some individuals are then invited to work with the team and share their stories in the final artistic project.
The workshops are open to participants 14 and older.
* For this project, we are using a broad definition of displacement to include persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes. This could be as for a number of causes, including conflict, violence, human rights violations, but also environmental harm and gentrification.