A Creative Haven: ARTogether’s Summer Camp for Immigrant and Refugee Kids

Written by Polina Marso, Arts and Wellness Program Manager

Imagine arriving in a new country, where the sounds, sights, and language are all unfamiliar. For refugee and immigrant children, this experience can be overwhelming. The challenges of adapting to a new culture, making friends, and finding a sense of belonging can feel insurmountable.

This understanding is what inspired us to create our Summer Art Camp program. We saw the need for a safe, welcoming space where these children could feel understood and free to express themselves. ARTogether’s Summer Art Camps provide just that—a nurturing environment where children from refugee and immigrant communities can come together and explore their creativity and let their imaginations soar. Through art, they can tell their stories, process their emotions, and connect with others who share similar experiences.

But our camp offers more than just creative activities—it’s a sanctuary where children can build confidence, find joy, and begin to heal from the trauma and challenges they’ve endured. Offered annually in two one-week sessions, ARTogether’s Summer Art Camps encourage artistic exploration and self-discovery, bringing together kids from diverse backgrounds to foster understanding and unity.

“Typically, it’s very hard for my kids to wake up in the mornings, but during the week of Summer Art Camp, they were up before me and ready to go!” – Participant Parent

Each day begins at 9 a.m. with breakfast, followed by a mental health check-in or meditation, and a fun game to get everyone energized. Art activities kick off, ranging from guided creative projects to more freeform, expressive art and sensory activities where kids can truly play and experiment. Mid-morning, we take a walk to the nearby park to run around, play, and get the “wiggles” out. After lunch, the day wraps up with two more art activities before parents arrive at 2 p.m. to pick up their children, who leave with their new creations and big smiles.

“Is tomorrow the last day? I wish this could go on forever!” — Participant

This program was born out of a deep understanding of the unique struggles and challenges these children and their families face and our commitment to helping them thrive in their new home. Summer programs can be expensive, and we offer ours completely free of charge. Our camp provides a safe haven for kids to be themselves while giving parents much-needed time for their own responsibilities, whether it’s work, errands, or simply a moment to recharge.

At ARTogether’s Summer Art Camps, we cultivate a space where children are not only encouraged to explore their creativity freely but are also supported in expressing their unique ideas without the constraints of a rigid agenda. This approach not only makes art and crafts enjoyable but also plays a vital role in enhancing social skills, bridging cultural gaps, and even improving academic performance. By fostering communication, teamwork, and empathy, our camps help children connect with peers from diverse backgrounds, creating a more inclusive community. Additionally, our dedicated staff and volunteers serve as positive role models, offering mentorship that leaves a lasting impact on the children’s growth and development.

We love hosting this program and there is a tremendous need for it. Every year, we hear from parents who express how wonderful the program is and wish there were more opportunities like it. The positive feedback from the children is equally heartwarming. 

“Can we come here every day—even on the weekend?” – Participant

“I’m going to show my mom all my creations!” — Participant

And from the parents:

“After the camp, they’ve been making all kinds of things with whatever they find around the house. They’re more creative than before!” – Participant Parent



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